
Pleease use the links below to view the October 9, 2024 Finance & Council Meetings.

October Finance Agenda

October Council Agenda

The 2024 Fee Schedule as approved by Indian Lake Borough Council.

2024 Fee Schedule

Rave Alert/Smart911 replaces SwiftReach as our vehicle to push important alerts and messages to our residents and propery owners.  This has been the subject of several recent e-News and messages.  To register:

Once registered, to Log In:


Please use the link below to view the flyer prepared by the Environmental Committee.

Recommendations on Ice Retardant Use

Borough e-News and other Notices are issued irregularly but the last one was worth reading...

Click Here if you missed it...  Past issues are available as well. 

Make sure you sign up for future issues.

Our Annual Drinking Water Quality Report (ADWQR), covering the Calendar Year 2022, is now available.  All is well...

Click Here to read or print a copy.

Use the link below to view the Boat Safety Video created by our Boating Committee.

Indian Lake Boat Safety Video