Indian Lake Borough   g       

Water and Sewer Committee

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Charter and Membership

Sewerage and sewage disposal has been the single largest deterrent to growth at Indian Lake. Growth will necessitate increasing Borough involvement in keeping aging on-lot systems safe and in facilitating new approaches and community-based systems.

Our aging public water system, put in years ago due to the high density of on-lot septic systems and fears of ground-water contamination of individual wells, is becoming an increased maintenance burden and is in need of upgrades.  Tank painting, line breaks, and failing/antiquated controls are ongoing examples.

The purpose of this committee is to provide focus and oversight of these needs.



Paul Balint CO-CHAIR
Dave McCudden CO-CHAIR
Gavin Guarino
Bob Hanson
Bill Lewis
Mike McCluskey
Dean Snyder


Other Items

As of January 2023, Indian Lake Borough contracted all water and sewer services out to G Force Engineering/InnoH2O Solutions.

They will be handling all water shut off/turn ons.  Please give them advance notice of at least three (3) days to get yours scheduled.

Please contact G Force Engineering/InnoH2O Solutions for all water and sewer inquiries.  814-445-4491